Went to play badminton yesterday..so I'd say that was my 'healthiest' Saturday of all. Usually Saturday morning is spent by erm..sleeping late, shopping, watching tv, work, almost absolutely nothing as healthy as this. And I should be proud of myself and thankful to those who actually made me went.
We started at approximately 8.30 am, and guess when did we finish? 11 am! I think that was pretty long and I am so impressed with everybody's energy and motivation. Then I started to think why am I so not motivated to do this? I used to force everybody to wake up early on Saturday morning to play volleyball at the gym in UT, or go to the park..but now, I'm sooo lazy. Why oh why? Maybe my mind is in Malaysia? I'm totally a lazy bum now? can't seem to find the reasons. I just dont have the heart to badminton. It has never been my favorite past times back then. never been good at it is another thing. I guess I'm more into team sports. I like volley, netball, basketball,hockey, but if you ask me about squash, or badminton, tennis, hmm I wont be in the front line. I guess I need to change my attitude and start a healthier life.. climbing the stairs to get to my room on the third floor, and walking home from work at least once a week just don't seem to be enough right?
It's amazing how Vietnamese make exercising part of their lives. They start swarming the public park at as early as 4 am! well, i have never been out at 4 am to witness the health-conscious crowd, but that's what my friend told me. I am not surprised though. I used to walk pass the park every single day after work and watch them either walking, running, playing badminton, tai-chiing, and takraw-ing. I'm not talking about one or two persons, this is like 50s of them. maybe hundreds. What a positive environment I thought.
However, on the other side of the road, I can see a cab driver rolling down his window and throwing away a plastic cup of cafe sada. Just like that, no sense of guilty to the government, let alone the sense of responsibility to the environment. On the pavement, a woman selling beef noodles for breakfast just throw away the leftovers by the road, I guess hoping the majlis perbandaran to clean them all.
Those are only 2 examples that when i thought about them, I feel lucky that I'm a Malaysian, born in beautiful Malaysia. Yes we still have a lot to improve, our government officials sometimes worry about things that they should not be worrying about, like 'Bahasa Melayu or Bahasa Malaysia?'. But some of them have really made what Malaysia is today. Compared to the last 5 decades, I think we did good.