Monday, April 23, 2007

Don't be too nice..

I am always known as the nice girl..but sometimes I hate being the nice one. too nice that others can take advantage on me. too nice that i hardly raise my voice. too nice that i couldn't see who's being sincere, and who's not. rule that i never learn: never trust those who talk too much when you just only know them for a short time. it's not about the amount they talk, but the things that they say; they brag too much about themselves, try too hard to make them look good..something like that. i'm not saying people who talk non-stop can't be trusted, because i'm surrounded by these talkative friends whom i can trust, and i love them..

life here is getting monotonous now. i need some spice!


Gypsy Pete said...
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Gypsy Pete said...

Wow - what is happening up there? You are nice but I can see a streak of something else in there sometimes! Bring it on!

Anonymous said...

hi's ur life there?miss u so much my let me know if ur home k..

Gypsy Pete said...

Have you left VN?